Sex and the City

Sex and the City

  • Buy Sex and the City on Amazon
  • Buy Sex and the City on iTunes
  • Buy Sex and the City on GooglePlay

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

It is based on these books...

Sex and the City
written by

  • Date:
  • Type: Book
This Book is the basis of Sex and the City

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

How I Met Your Mother:
Season:  6  / Episode:  5 
Architect of Destruction

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
In Marshall's mind, Robin and Lily discuss Marshall's sex techniques as they drink cosmopolitans, mimicking the television series Sex and the City.

The New Normal:
Season:  1  / Episode:  3 
Baby Clothes

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
David tells Bryan that their baby is going to give Terry Bradshaw a serious case of shoe envy. Bryan responds by telling David that it's "Carrie" Bradshaw, not "Terry".

Happy Endings:
Season:  2  / Episode:  2 
Baby Steps

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Alex launches a baby t-shirt line to her store, but discovers that teenagers are purchasing the shirts intended for babies. Penny makes the comment that the baby shirts are flying off the racks directly on to the racks of the teenage girls, proudly saying that her 'Samantha' (from Sex and the City) impression is getting better.

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  1  / Episode:  4 
Birth of a Salesman

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Mr. Waterman, the boss at Waterman Cable drinks out of a Sex and the City coffee mug, which provides evidence (in addition to other clues) to Cleveland that Waterman is gay.

Parks and Recreation:
Season:  4  / Episode:  3 
Born & Raised

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Trying to befriend her, Ann asks April who her favorite character is on Sex and the City. April responds, "Alf".

The Office:
Season:  3  / Episode:  6 

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Pam, Phyllis and Meredith discuss going to Kelly's Diwali later that evening. Pam tells them she isn't sure if she'll make it because she's tired. Meredith asks if she wants to make Appletinis and watch 'Sex and the City' at her place.

The Office:
Season:  8  / Episode:  6 

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Andy explains to Robert California the different personalities of his co-workers. He tells Robert that the accounting mistakes are due to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum - both being Kevin. He also says that Oscar is the "Sex and the City" group.

The Office:
Season:  5  / Episode:  5 
Employee Transfer

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Kelly dresses as Carrie Bradshaw from 'Sex and the City' for Halloween.

Season:  4  / Episode:  16 
Famous Last Words

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
The inmates want cable television in the prison. Ryan says that he's heard that the women on 'Sex and the City' are pretty hot.

Mike & Molly:
Season:  1  / Episode:  16 
First Valentine's Day

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Molly tells her mother she was so desperate to have a boyfriend in college, that she overlooked some obvious signs that her boyfriend was gay. Like when he used to paint her toenails while they watched 'Sex and the City'.

Family Guy:
Season:  14  / Episode:  3 
Guy, Robot

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Brian reads Stewie's tweets on stage at the comedy club, after his own act fails miserably. One of the tweets from Stewie wonders why the tampon commercial he's watching is so long. He then realizes that it's not a commercial but an episode of 'Sex and the City' instead.

House of Lies:
Season:  2  / Episode:  11 
Hostile Takeover

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City

Season:  2  / Episode:  7 
In a Lonely Place

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Karen asks Hank if Mia has a boyfriend. Hank replies, "I don't know. What is this, Sex and the City girlfriend?".

30 Rock:
Season:  5  / Episode:  3 
Let's Stay Together

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Congresswoman Regina Bookman is in New York City for a meeting on Wall Street. She tells Jack that after her meeting, she's going on the 'Sex and the City' walking tour.

The King of Queens:
Season:  5  / Episode:  5 
Mammary Lane

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Spence gets a TiVo, and is upset to learn that the TiVo thinks he is gay, by recording shows like Sex and the City, Queer as Folk and men's ice dancing.

The Simpsons:
Season:  21  / Episode:  8 
O Brother, Where Bart Thou?

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
The scene with Lisa, Maggie, Bart, and their new sister in the future is a reference to the 'Sex and the City' series.

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  1  / Episode:  15 
Once Upon a Tyne in New York

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City

The Newsroom:
Season:  2  / Episode:  6 
One Step Too Many

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
The Sex and the City tour comes up again

Rescue Me:
Season:  3  / Episode:  9 

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Mike and Sean talk about this show

Season:  1  / Episode:  1 

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City

Lady Dynamite:
Season:  1  / Episode:  1 

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Bruce, Maria's manager, shows off his fancy new boots, saying "Move over, Carrie Bradshaw! That's a Sex and the City reference.".

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  3  / Episode:  6 
Sex and the Biddy

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
The title of this episode is a parody of the television series titled 'Sex and the City'.

Season:  1  / Episode:  13 
Sex and the Suburbs

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
The title of this episode is a reference to "Sex and the City".

The Simpsons:
Season:  25  / Episode:  11 
Specs and the City

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
The title of this episode is a play on the name of the television series, 'Sex and the City'.

Family Guy:
Season:  13  / Episode:  12 
Stewie is Enceinte

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Ron Livingston's parents are on a city bus, bragging about their son. They just can't remember his name, but Ron's father knows that Ron appeared in "like five Sex and the CIty" episodes.

30 Rock:
Season:  7  / Episode:  3 
Stride of Pride

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Liz wants to have a lunch with all the girls from the office with a lot of sex talk like on Sex and the City.

30 Rock:
Season:  6  / Episode:  4 
The Ballad of Kenneth Parcell

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
Liz butts into a conversation at a bar, where the four women look like the characters from Sex and the City.

The Newsroom:
Season:  1  / Episode:  10 
The Greater Fool

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City

The Newsroom:
Season:  2  / Episode:  3 
Willie Pete

This Television Episode refers to Sex and the City
The Sex and the City tour comes up again

It inspired these books...

The Carrie Diaries
written by

  • Date:
  • Type: Book
This Book is inspired by Sex and the City

It is referred to by these television commercials...

AT&T and DirecTV Commercial

This Television Commercial refers to Sex and the City

HBO NOW Commercial - Now Available on More Devices

This Television Commercial refers to Sex and the City

Stella Artois Commercial for Super Bowl LIII 2019 - Carrie Couldn't Help But Wonder | Change Up The Usual | Big Game

This Television Commercial refers to Sex and the City
Sarah Jessica Parker reprises her role as Sarah Jessica Parker for this Stella Artois ad.

Stella Artois Commercial for Super Bowl LIII 2019 - Change Up The Usual | Big Game Ad | Full Version

This Television Commercial refers to Sex and the City

Stella Artois Commercial for Super Bowl LIII 2019 - Change Up The Usual | Carrie Bradshaw, The Dude | #PourItForward

This Television Commercial refers to Sex and the City
Sarah Jessica Parker reprises her role as Carrie Bradshaw for this ad while the Sex and the City theme song plays.

It is related to these movies...

Sex and the City
part of Sex and the City

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
This Movie is related to Sex and the City
  • Buy Sex and the City part of Sex and the City on Amazon
  • Buy Sex and the City part of Sex and the City on iTunes
  • Buy Sex and the City part of Sex and the City on GooglePlay

It is the basis of these movie series...

Sex and the City

This Movie Series is based on Sex and the City
The 'Sex and the City' movie series is based on the HBO television series of the same name.
  • Buy Sex and the City on Amazon
  • Buy Sex and the City on iTunes
  • Buy Sex and the City on GooglePlay

It spun-off these television series...

The Carrie Diaries

This Television Series is a spin-off of Sex and the City
The Carrie Diaries is a prequel series to Sex and the City.
  • Buy The Carrie Diaries on Amazon
  • Buy The Carrie Diaries on iTunes
  • Buy The Carrie Diaries on GooglePlay

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


Sex and the City


Sex and the City
part of Sex and the City

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie

Sex and the City:
Season:  1  / Episode:  1 
Sex and the City


Sex and the City
written by

  • Date:
  • Type: Book
