
The fable follows Tod from his first contact with humans as a kit and Copper from his first encounter with Tod. They are living in a changing world; the wilderness present at the beginning of the book gradually gives way to a more urbanized setting, causing problems for Copper, his Master, and Tod. Copper's chapters focus on his relationship with his Master as he assists him in hunting, primarily for Tod; Tod's actions kill the Master's favorite dog early in the novel. Tod's chapters focus on his life as a wild fox, avoiding death both natural and man-made while attempting to father pups. The novel ends with the death of both main characters. Tod's lifeless pelt is hung and the hunter kills Copper with his shotgun.

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It is the basis of these movies...

The Fox and the Hound

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  • Type: Movie
This Movie is based on The Fox and the Hound written by Daniel Pratt Mannix IV
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The Fox and the Hound

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  • Type: Movie
