
Jonathan Safran Foer, a young American Jew, journeys to Ukraine in search of Augustine, the woman who saved his grandfather's life during the Nazi liquidation of Trachimbrod, his family shtetl. Armed with maps, cigarettes and many copies of an old photograph of Augustine and his grandfather, Jonathan begins his adventure with Ukrainian native and soon-to-be good friend, Alexander "Alex" Perchov, who is Foer's age and very fond of American pop culture, albeit culture that is already out of date in the United States. Alex studied English at his university, and even though his knowledge of the language is not "first-rate", he becomes the translator. Alex's "blind" grandfather and his "deranged seeing-eye bitch," Sammy Davis, Jr., Jr., accompany them on their journey. Throughout the book, the meaning of love is deeply examined.

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is the basis of these movies...

Everything Is Illuminated

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  • Type: Movie
This Movie is based on Everything Is Illuminated written by Jonathan Safran Foer
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Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
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  • Type: Book


Everything Is Illuminated

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie

Season:  5  / Episode:  6 
Everything is Illuminated
