- Dates: February 2013 - May 2013
- Type: Television Commercial
Oreo - "Whisper Fight". This commercial for Oreo cookies first aired during Super Bowl XVII, February 3, 2013. Two men are sitting in a library, whispering about Oreo cookies, and which part of the cookie each prefers most. They get into a heated argument about which is the best part: the creme or the cookie. Even though they are fighting, they continue to speak in whispers. The man who prefers the cookie part, gets upset, flipping the table over. At this point, other library patrons get involved in the argument. A blonde woman takes a chair, breaking it over the back of the bald man who prefers "cookie". A man who is browsing the bookshelves, whispers "Creme", pushing the bookshelf over, knocking the rest of the shelves down like dominoes. An older man, who prefers the cream takes a microfiche machine, throwing it through a glass window, while a woman, holding a lamp whispers "cookie", throwing the lamp against the brick wall, smashing the lamp to bits. Two men on the second floor of the library are in a scuffle, arguing over creme vs. cookie. The two go crashing through the railing, falling to the first floor of the library. The lamp that was thrown at the wall, catches on fire, setting the fire alarm off. A group of firemen burst into the library, spraying water from their firehose, whispering "fire!". Everyone in the library is in an all out brawl over which part of an Oreo is the best. But no one is talking above a whisper. The librarian, at the desk in the center of the building, holds the phone, whipsering, "I'm calling the cops.". The police come speeding down the street, lights flashing, sirens blaring. The cop car smashes through the brick wall of the library. As the police man gets out from behind the wheel of the car, he pulls out his bullhorn to whisper, "You guys have to stop fighting. We're the cops.". I've always preferred the creme part of an Oreo. That's crazy. The cookie's the best part. Creme. Cookie. Creme. Cookie. Creme. Cookie. Creme. Cookie. Creme. Cookie. Creme. Cookie. Creme. Cookie. Fire. I'm calling the cops. Creme. Cookie. You guys have to stop fighting. We're the cops. Choose your side on Instagram at Oreo. Choose your side on Instagram @ Oreo Something We Can All Disagree On