- Dates: March 2013 - June 2013
- Type: Television Commercial
This commercial for Philadelphia Cream Cheese shows the process of making the cream cheese. It begins on a dairy farm with milk. Bottles of milk roll on a conveyor belt, past a mooing cow. The bottles of milk get poured down a chute into a red barn where it is funneled into a truck. The truck drives the fresh milk to Beaver Dam, WI where it is transferred to the Creamery. In the creamery, a mechanical hand pours real cream into the mixture and a mechanical whisk stirs it together. The mixture is poured into a pot where it is sent to the quality control center. The mixture is deemed to be Cream Cheese Perfection. On the other side of the Quality Control center, the cream cheese comes out in a block, where it is sent to the wrapping station. Once the cream cheese is packaged, it sent through clear tubes to the refrigerator, ready to be purchased. "6 Days to Delicious -- PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese's Brand Story" (Lyrics) I was rolling down the window 'Cause I like to feel the wind blow We got a good thing Gonna see where the day goes Take it fast, take it real slow We got a good thing Hey, we got a good thing going Hey, we got a good thing going on Hey, we got a good thing going Can't you feel the wind in the willows Blowin' makes the bed covers billow When my happy head hits the pillow I'll be singin' a song, I'll be singin' a song, I'll be singin' a song We got a good thing going on Bah-bah-bah-bah-bah We got a good thing Bah-bah-bah-bah-bah We got a good thing going on Milk Good Stuff Fresh Local Milk Welcome to Beaver Dam WI The Creamery Real, Wholesome Cream No Preservatives Happy Dairy Cultures Quality Check Central Not Up To Standard Cream Cheese Perfection Behold, Deliciousness Philadelphia Original Farm To Our Fridge In Just 6 Days When it comes to taste, Philadelphia sets the standard. The Philadelphia Standard CreamCheese.com/NKH