- Date: February 28, 2018
- Type: Television Commercial
More for Your Thing: Getting Serious
AT&T gives you more for your thing. Your getting serious thing. That moving in together and moving onto the same phone plan thing. Buy one, give one iPhone 8 at AT&T.
More for your thing. That's our thing. Find out more on att.com/iphone8offer ______________________ Subscribe: http://soc.att.com/Subscribe About AT&T: All the latest and greatest videos relating to AT&T - products, devices, services, music, sports, contests, announcements, commercials. Like AT&T on Facebook: http://soc.att.com/FacebookATT Follow AT&T on Twitter: http://soc.att.com/TwitterATT Follow AT&T on Instagram: http://soc.att.com/InstagramATT Follow AT&T on Google+: http://soc.att.com/Google_ATT Follow AT&T on LinkedIn: http://soc.att.com/LinkedInATT Pin with AT&T on Pinterest: http://soc.att.com/PinterestATT Follow AT&T on Tumblr: http://soc.att.com/TumblrATT Visit AT&T on our Website: http://bit.ly/WMflzV For Customer Care issues Tweet us: http://soc.att.com/ATTCareTwitter For Business Customer Care issues Tweet us: http://soc.att.com/BusinessCareATT ______________________ AT&T gives you more for your thing. Your getting serious thing. That moving out of the friend zone, moving in together, and getting two of everything thing. Those fur babies getting you ready for real babies thing. That one for me, one for you, us together for the rest of forever thing.
Buy one iPhone 8, get one iPhone 8 on us. More for your thing. That's our thing. Instagram
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More for your thing