Snakes on a Plane

Snakes on a Plane

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
  • Buy Snakes on a Plane on Amazon
  • Buy Snakes on a Plane on iTunes
  • Buy Snakes on a Plane on GooglePlay

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is parodied by these television episodes...

The Middle:
Season:  2  / Episode:  16 
Hecks on a Plane

This Television Episode parodies Snakes on a Plane
The title of this episode of 'The Middle' is a parody of the film titled 'Snakes on a Plane'.

It is referred to by these television episodes...

Bob's Burgers:
Season:  3  / Episode:  9 
God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins

This Television Episode refers to Snakes on a Plane
The kids find "Nadine" in a sex-shop and plan to steal her back with Bob's help to take her back to Chet. The kids release "personal massagers" in the store to create a diversion so Bob can steal Nadine from the store window. Upon the release of the "massagers", Gene shouts, "Snakes on a Plane!".

How I Met Your Mother:
Season:  4  / Episode:  3 
I Heart NJ

This Television Episode refers to Snakes on a Plane
In this episode, Ted misses out on Barney trying to pick up a lesbian. Marshall later comments on said event by saying, "no snakes on that plane", referencing the film Snakes on a Plane.

Season:  2  / Episode:  5 
Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples

This Television Episode refers to Snakes on a Plane
Abed says that because of all the hype surrounding the movie he is making, he's got a real "Snakes on a Plane" brewing.

Season:  2  / Episode:  12 

This Television Episode refers to Snakes on a Plane
During Shane's graduation speech he says, "There are motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane".

It is shown on these movies...

Be Kind Rewind

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
This Movie shows Snakes on a Plane
A clip of the movie is used.
  • Buy Be Kind Rewind on Amazon
  • Buy Be Kind Rewind on iTunes
  • Buy Be Kind Rewind on GooglePlay

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture
