- Date: November 16, 2014
- Type: Television Episode
This Television Episode refers to The Godfather part of The Godfather
Will mentions that the flash drive was hidden "Godfather style" meaning it was left in the bathroom stall
Charlie and Reese confront Reese's half-siblings, Randy and Blair (Kat Dennings), about their hostile takeover. After some heated back-and-forth, Leona arrives and offers to buy their shares for a higher price. Neal and Will meet with Rebecca Halliday to discuss Neal's legal situation and she confirms that he has committed espionage. She and Will agree that ACN should not run the story. Mac asks her friend, Molly (Mary McCormack), an FBI agent, about espionage charges and the media. Molly tells her that reporters are never charged with espionage but can be charged with contempt. Mac tells Rebecca, Will and Neal they have to run the story. Returning from Boston, Maggie overhears an EPA official, Richard (Paul Lieberstein), on the phone with a reporter, making off-the-record disparaging remarks about the President. Maggie reveals that she overheard, but Richard makes her feel that she's violated ethics and she tells him she won't use any of the story and will delete her notes. Richard at first doesn't believe her, but then gives her an exclusive story and a report that carbon dioxide levels are higher than they have been for millions of years. Don informs Sloan that he purchased stock prior to Sloan reporting it in a newscast. Sloan fears that since they are a couple, it is against the ACN handbook. Sloan inadvertently informs Jim that she's been sleeping with Don. Hallie sends a middle-of-the-night tweet from the ACN account making a joke in poor taste about the Boston Marathon and Republicans. Though she quickly deletes it, other news sources pick it up and Charlie fires her. After the ACN senior staff discuss Neal's situation with Rebecca, Will realizes that Neal has already confirmed a portion of the leak (concerning Equatorial Kundu), forcing ACN's hand. Will has Neal give him the name of his source, then tells him how to get out of town. As the FBI execute a search warrant on ACN computers, Molly informs Mac, Will and Charlie that Neal will likely be charged with espionage if he is found to have assisted the source in any way. Neal escapes the building, destroying his phone and the note Will gave him telling him to run. Takes place on April 20, 2013.