Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
  • Genre: Drama
  • Buy Good Will Hunting on Amazon
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Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is parodied by these television episodes...

American Dad!:
Season:  7  / Episode:  1 
100 A.D., Pt. 1 of 2

This Television Episode parodies Good Will Hunting
At Groff Community College, a math professor asks "who solved my theorem? Which one of you is the genius?" (the chalkboard reads 2+2=4) He then points to the janitor saying "You there!" as the janitor runs away.

It is referred to by these television episodes...

The Office:
Season:  2  / Episode:  15 
Boys and Girls

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
While in the warehouse, Michael goes to the chalkboard, saying "Just in case there's somebody down here who shouldn't be. A little Good Will Hunting.".

The Newsroom:
Season:  1  / Episode:  6 

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
This film is brought up during Will's session with the psychiatrist.

Season:  1  / Episode:  11 

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Wilfred explains to Ryan how he knows Bruce. He first tells the plot of 'Good Will Hunting'. After Ryan calls him out on it, Wilfred tells the story of 'The Departed', and finally the story of 'The Bourne Identity'.

Season:  1  / Episode:  24 
English as a Second Language

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Abed changes a quote from the movie "Good Will Hunting" to tell Troy that the best part of his day is the first 10 seconds of entering the classroom, looking over at Troy's desk and hoping he won't be there.

Family Guy:
Season:  10  / Episode:  22 
Family Guy Viewer Mail #2

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
In the segment Fatman & Robin, Peter tries to get the attention of the crowd of Robin Williams that he created, telling them that 'Good Will Hunting is all better.".

Family Guy:
Season:  15  / Episode:  6 
Hot Shots

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Bat Damon gives the "How do you like them apples?" line at the end.

Cougar Town:
Season:  2  / Episode:  5 
Keeping Me Alive

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Andy pretends to be Robin William's character from the film 'Good Will Hunting' , giving the "it's not your fault" speech, in an attempt to make Laurie feel better about her break-up with Smith.

Season:  1  / Episode:  1 

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Ben Affleck's academy award is mentioned. This was his only Oscar before this episode aired

Season:  2  / Episode:  1 

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting

Season:  3  / Episode:  13 

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Ryan's dad mentions that he watched this film

Season:  5  / Episode:  12 
Return to Queens Blvd.

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Vince's mom tells Vince that she read in the Post that Gus Can Sant is in town filming a movie, and looking for an actor to fill a role in his movie. When Vince protests to his mother's idea, she replies saying that she thought 'Good Will Hunting' was a good movie.

Season:  5  / Episode:  10 
The One with the Inappropriate Sister

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Ross advises Joey to write a play or a movie script for himself, saying he should be like those 'Good Will Hunting' guys.

Season:  1  / Episode:  2 

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Ryan holds a paper bag, causing Wilfred to ask what's inside. Ryan asks Wilfred if he likes apples. Wilfred replies, "Yeah". Ryan then tells Wilfred that he bought a bunch of Matt Damon movies, adding, "How do you like them apples?" - a reference to the film 'Good Will Hunting'.

Happy Endings:
Season:  1  / Episode:  9 
You've Got Male

This Television Episode refers to Good Will Hunting
Dave tells everyone about his high school teacher, Alan Fitzgerald, who gave him special attention. Dave's friends make fun of him, teasing him that maybe Dave's teacher was acting inappropriately with him. Dave tells Max to "Stop 'Good Will Hunting' me.".

It is referred to by these movies...

Step Brothers

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
This Movie refers to Good Will Hunting
Reilly's character is telling a therapist about his life, but is actually describing the plot to Good Will Hunting
  • Buy Step Brothers on Amazon
  • Buy Step Brothers on iTunes
  • Buy Step Brothers on GooglePlay

It is referred to by these television commercials... Commercial

This Television Commercial refers to Good Will Hunting

Pepsi Mini Cans Commercial - Little Cans, Epic Satisfaction!

This Television Commercial refers to Good Will Hunting
The movie production assistant receives a piece of apple pie from a food truck. When the pie is slid through the window, the man in the food truck says, 'How do you like them apples', a line made famous in the film 'Good Will Hunting'.

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


Necessary Roughness:
Season:  3  / Episode:  6 
Good Will Haunting


According to Jim:
Season:  7  / Episode:  9 
Goodwill Hunting
