The Godfather

The Godfather

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Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

It is based on these book series...

The Godfather

  • Dates: March 10, 1969 - November 7, 2006
  • Type: Book Series
This Book Series is the basis of The Godfather
  • Buy The Godfather on Amazon
  • Buy The Godfather on iTunes
  • Buy The Godfather on GooglePlay

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

Breaking Bad:
Season:  2  / Episode:  8 
Better Call Saul

This Television Episode refers to The Godfather

The Simpsons:
Season:  22  / Episode:  9 
Donnie Fatso

This Television Episode refers to The Godfather
When told he will be an undercover spy for the FBI to get close to Fat Tony, Homer doesn't want to do it because Fat Tony knows him. While trying to tell the FBI agent that he was once Fat Tony's Consigliere, he is unable to pronounce it correctly, so he instead says he was Robert Duvall (the consigliere to the Corleone family in 'The Godfather' movies).

Bob's Burgers:
Season:  2  / Episode:  5 
Food Truckin'

This Television Episode refers to The Godfather
The family uses nick names on their walkie talkies. The names used are: Black Beauty, Music Man, Godfather and Jackal.

Season:  1  / Episode:  3 
The Chatterer

This Television Episode refers to The Godfather
After Tessa helps to turn the school newspaper into a popular tabloid style publication, she finds that Malik, the other student involved in the paper, has changed now that he has achieved some "fame". She says that she no longer recognized Malik, and it wasn't because he was wearing a 'Godfather' hat.

Season:  4  / Episode:  7 
The Day Fuckers

This Television Episode refers to The Godfather
Ari has a plan to get Jonah into the private school, but it's a sneaky plan. Mrs. Ari wants to know who Ari's secret friend is, but Ari tells her that his work is sometimes like 'The Godfather', meaning she can't ask him about his business.

It is the basis of these video game series...

The Godfather

This Video Game Series is based on The Godfather
  • Buy The Godfather on Amazon
  • Buy The Godfather on iTunes
  • Buy The Godfather on GooglePlay
  • Buy The Godfather on GameStop

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


The Godfather
part of The Godfather

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie

The Godfather Part II
part of The Godfather

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie

The Godfather Part III
part of The Godfather

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie


The Godfather

  • Dates: March 10, 1969 - November 7, 2006
  • Type: Book Series

The Godfather
part of The Godfather

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie

The Godfather
written by
part of The Godfather

  • Date:
  • Type: Book
