
The show is largely inspired by (and is in the style of) Sesame Street: Most of the characters in the show are puppets (operated by actors onstage), the set depicts several tenements on a rundown street in an Outer Borough of New York City, both the live characters and puppet characters sing, and short animated video clips are played as part of the story. Also, several characters are recognizably parodies of classic Sesame Street characters: for example, the roommates Rod and Nicky are versions of Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie, and Trekkie Monster is based on Cookie Monster. However, the characters are in their twenties and thirties and face adult problems instead of those faced by pre-schoolers, thus making the show more suited for the adults who grew up with Sesame Street.

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

It is based on these books...

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

Rescue Me:
Season:  1  / Episode:  12 

This Television Episode refers to Avenue Q composed by Jeff Marx, Jeff Whitty, and Robert Lopez
Chief Reilly gets tickets to take his wife to Avenue Q.

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Avenue Q
written by


The Book of Mormon
written by , , and

Avenue Q
written by
