- Date: April 15, 2012
- Type: Television Series
Girls is an American television series that began airing on HBO on April 15, 2012. Created by and starring Lena Dunham, Girls is a dramedy that follows a close group of twenty-somethings as they chart their lives in New York City. The show's premise and major aspects of the main character were inspired by some of 26-year-old Dunham's real-life experiences. Aspiring writer Hannah gets a shock when her parents visit from Michigan and announce they will no longer financially support her as they have done since her college graduation two years prior. Left to her own devices in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, she and her friends navigate their twenties, "one mistake at a time." Allison Williams, Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Adam Driver co-star as Hannah's circle of friends. 'Girls' received two (2) 2014 Golden Globe Nominations: "Best TV Comedy or Musical" "Best Actress in a TV Comedy" (Lena Dunham)