- Dates: June 2015 - September 2015
- Type: Television Commercial
Mike Reno, Loverboy lead singer and writer of the hit song "Working for the Weekend" admits that it's not all about the weekend anymore. "Working for the Weekend, The Rewrite | Indeed" Hi. I'm Mike Reno of Loverboy. Years ago, I sang some disparaging lyrics about the work week. Claiming people were looking past it and focusing solely on the weekend. Well, it's time to admit that maybe I was a little off base. Thanks to Indeed and their 16 million job listings, more people are finding jobs that make them happy. So now it's not just all about the weekend. It's more like, everybody's really enjoying their time at work. And when the weekend comes, that's fine too. (Lyrics) Everybody's working for the weekend The world's #1 job site. indeed How the world works. Indeed.com