- Dates: August 2012 - November 2012
- Type: Television Commercial
This commercial for the Lexus CT Hybrid begins at Mile 1, where a white Lexus CT Hybrid is parked outside of Union Station. A woman exits the station with a suitcase and gets inside the car, ready to take off on a journey. A black Lexus is parked, where a woman in a giant black and white hat is posing for pictures. A gold/tan/beige Lexus is driving with a group of friends, at mile 5. At Mile 12 a white Lexus is parked, with it's hatchback open, and a couple inside the car watching a homemade drive-in movie. The movie screen is a sheet that's been strung up outside. A blue Lexus is parked at mile 17, where a group of friends plays crocquet in the grass, their game interrupted when lawn sprinklers begin to spray them with water. At mile 21, a group of men in tuxedos pull up to a Taco truck and stand outside eating tacos. At mile 26, the Lexus passes a roadside gas station, not needing to stop to fill up, thanks to the EPA Estimated 42 mpg. At mile 38 a group of friends pull up to a nightclub. Mile 39 is an outdoor party in the evening, with a large group of friends dancing and laughing outside by a pool. (Lyrics) Go ahead go way low, where I can do no harm Go ahead go way low in my honey lovin' arms Go ahead go way low, where I can do no harm Go ahead go way low in my honey lovin' arms Go ahead go way low, where I can do no harm Go ahead go way low in my honey lovin' arms Go ahead go way low, where I can do no wrong Got you 'round my finger like a lonley lover's charm What's the point of an EPA estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? The Lexus CT Hybrid. This is the pursuit of perfection. Union Station Mile 1 Mile 5 Mile 12 Mile 17 Tacos Mile 21 Halfway House Gas Mile 26 Mile 30 Mile 33 Mile 38 Mile 39 42 MPG EPA Estimated Lexus the PURSUIT of PERFECTION #LexusCT