- Date: August 7, 2011
- Type: Television Episode
Antonia escapes from prison by gaining control of Luis: he attacks Bill, who stakes Luis after he informs him that Antonia is back. In an attempt to save vampires from Antonia's magic, Bill orders most vampires to leave Louisiana, and orders the ones left to chain themselves with silver during the day. Alcide and Debbie join Marcus' pack; worrying about Sookie, Alcide and Debbie search for her and find her having sex with Eric in the woods. Pam is about to kill Tara and Naomi when she is photographed by bystanders and abruptly leaves. Dr. Ludwig performs various medical procedures on Pam and tells her she will need shots for the rest of her life to stop her flesh rotting. After sending Naomi back to New Orleans, Tara meets Antonia, who persuades her to join her circle and wage war on vampires. Tara recruits more people for Antonia's circle, including Holly. Don Bartolo, Jesus' grandfather, reveals that he performed the snake ritual to demonstrate Lafayette's abilities as a medium who can communicate with the dead. Tio Luca, the spirit that entered Lafayette, was Jesus' uncle. Sam and Luna realize that Tommy shapeshifted into Sam and slept with Luna; Sam kicks Tommy out. Andy Bellefleur walks out on his date with Holly, craving his fix of V. Back in Merlotte's kitchen, Lafayette sees Mavis, the same enigmatic woman that Mikey saw after the house fire, singing a French lullaby. Antonia casts her 400-year-old spell on the vampires; while most vampires in Bon Temps are saved by their silver chains, Jessica manages to free herself. Fearing for Jessica, Jason runs to Bill's but is attacked by a guard. Jessica opens the front door of Bill's mansion, letting in the sunlight.