- Dates: May 2015 - August 2015
- Type: Television Commercial
It took tennis legend Serena Williams, fencing champion Tim Morehouse, and the world famous Rockettes years to master their craft. But it took them only moments to master the way they bank. "Serena Williams & the Chase Masters: The Anthem Commercial" Let's go, Serena. Fight, fight. Come on, fight. Here we go. Two, three, four, five, six. Whoa! Stop. Let's go back. One, two. Whoa, stop there. I bet we can do it even better. It took tennis legend Serena Williams, fencing champion Tim Morehouse and the world-famous Rockettes years to master their craft. But it took them only moments to master paying bills at Chase.com , depositing checks at Chase ATMs and transferring funds on the mobile app. Technology designed for you so you can easily master the way you bank. (Lyrics) Can't stop me now Hold back the crowd You can't stop me now You don't wanna Can't mess with this You don't wanna Get up, get up, get up and be it Can't get enough No no Can't get enough No no Don't you ever hold me down Chase So You Can chase.com/WayYouBank