- Dates: December 2012 - April 2013
- Type: Television Commercial
This Television Commercial plays Father Christmas performed by The Kinks
This Google Chromebook commercial shows various people opening their Christmas gifts, excited to find they've received a Google Chromebook. A man (the Bouncy Boyfriend) wearing a Santa hat, jumps up and down after opening his gift. A grandmother opens her gift, with a look of surprise and shock on her face. A woman in a blue bathrobe (the Wonderful Wife) sits on the floor, opening her gift, looking shocked and delighted. A woman hugs her Helpful Husband. A little blond haired boy (the Naughty Nephew) jumps up and down after receiving his Chromebook. A young girl in a blue shirt (the Nice Niece) sits at a dining room table, and after tearing a piece of wrapping paper off of her gift, looks at the camera with her mouth wide open in surprise. A little boy (the Boisterous Brother) stands in the living room, shaking and shouting with excitement. Three young children sit on the floor in a pile of wrapping paper, smiling and screaming with delight. A woman sits in a chair in her dining room, smiling and laughing after opening her Google Chromebook. A little brown Dachshund tears wrapping paper off of a box on the floor. (Lyrics) When I was small I believed in Santa Claus Open my presents and I'd be glad Father Christmas, give us some money Don't mess around with those silly toys Father Christmas, give us some money We want your bread so don't make us annoyed For Giving For Getting For Bouncy Boyfriends For Grateful Grandmas For Wonderful Wives For Helpful Husbands For Naughty Nephews For Nice Nieces For Boisterous Brothers For A Gaggle of Grandkids For Family For Friends For Everyone Chromebook. From $199. A perfect gift for everyone. chromebook google.com/chromebook