Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is played in these television episodes...

Mad Men:
Season:  5  / Episode:  3 
Tea Leaves

This Television Episode plays Sixteen Going on Seventeen composed by Richard Rodgers; written by Oscar Ha

It is parodied by these television episodes...

30 Rock:
Season:  6  / Episode:  9 
Leap Day

This Television Episode parodies Sixteen Going on Seventeen composed by Richard Rodgers; written by Oscar Ha
The version of The Sound of Music Liz was in was the "free, unlicensed version", and she sings a version of this song with different lyrics, "you are one age going on another age".

It is played in these movies...

The Sound of Music

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
This Movie plays Sixteen Going on Seventeen composed by Richard Rodgers; written by Oscar Ha
  • Buy The Sound of Music on Amazon
  • Buy The Sound of Music on iTunes
  • Buy The Sound of Music on GooglePlay

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Sixteen Going On Seventeen
performed by Charmian Carr and Dan Truhitte

Sixteen Going On Seventeen
performed by Modern Music
