Season: 1 / Episode: 1
- Date: March 4, 2012
- Type: Television Episode
This Television Episode plays Tell Me that I Go To performed by Joanna Cotten
This song plays as Amanda is confronted by the women at the Longhorn Ball with the picture that Bozeman took of her working at Boobylicious.
Amanda Vaughn (Leslie Bibb), A former "Queen Bitch" in high school and recently divorced single mother of two children returns to her hometown of Dallas. She meets her former school friends, whom she used to mock: Carlene Cockburn (Kristin Chenoweth), Good Christian's Dallas and GCB "Queen", who was beautiful in high school and is now full-figured, insecure and does the bulk of Carlene's bidding - Sharon Peacham (Jennifer Aspen), queen of the gossip and glamorous Heather Cruz (Marisol Nichols) and Cricket Caruth-Reilly (Miriam Shor), hot powerful real estate agent in Dallas whose husband Blake (Mark Deklin) is gay. Amanda resides with her children and her fifty something mother Gigi Stopper (Annie Potts), who still acts like a twenty something.