
One day by chance as I sat by my window I happened to glance down to the street below At people passing by as they appeared and disappeared from view I saw a girl she was smiling, she was laughing, she was talking To a boy - arm in arm they were walking He turned to hold her close and I saw that it was you And you ask me where I'll go I tell you I don't know Maybe any way the wind blows At first I denied it - I refused to believe That you could betray me that you could deceive But now I see that our love has come to an end I want no more of these conversations I've had enough of your explanations I say never, never darken my door again North South East West The four corners of the world - I won't rest 'Til every sea, every mountain I have crossed And some day you might feel a breeze A slight shiver in the trees And remember the girl you once loved and you lost

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is played in these movies...

The Amateurs

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
This Movie plays Any Way the Wind Blows performed by The Stone Coyotes
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Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Any Way the Wind Blows
performed by Sara Bareilles
