- Dates: May 2013 - August 2013
- Type: Television Commercial
This Television Commercial plays Portraits Pt. 2 performed by Keith Kenniff
"Dove Real Beauty Sketches" This Dove ad features a sketch artist who sits down with a group of women and asks them to describe themselves as he sketches them without actually seeing them. The women who were being drawn were all asked to wait in a room with another person (men and women) before going in without being told before what they were about to do. The second person - instead of asking to describe themselves - were asked to describe the first woman. Artist: I'm a forensic artist. I worked for the San Jose police department from 1995 to 2011. Florence: I showed up to a place I'd never been, and there was a guy who has a drafting boards. Melinda: We couldn't see them, and they couldn't see us. Artist: Tell me about your hair. Florence: I didn't know what he was doing, but then I could tell after several questions that he was drawing me. Artist: Tell me about your chin. Olivia: It kind of protrudes a little bit. Especially when I smile. Artist: Your jaw? Florence: My mom told me I had a big jaw. Artist: What would be your most prominent feature? Woman?: I kind of have a fat, rounder face. Shelly: The older I've gotten, the more freckles I've gotten. Kela: I'd say I have a pretty big forehead. Artist: Once I get a sketch I say, "Thank you very much", and then they leave. I don't see them. Florence: All I had been told before the sketch was to get friendly with this other woman, Chloe. Artist: Today I'm going to ask you some questions about a person you met earlier, and I'm gonna ask you some general questions about their face. Chloe: She was thin, so you could see her cheekbones, and her chin, it was a nice thin chin. Man: She had nice eyes. They lit up when she spoke. Woman?: Cute nose. Man: She had blue eyes. Very nice blue eyes. Artist: So here we are. This is the sketch that you helped me create, and that's the sketch that somebody described of you. Florence: Yeah, that's... Woman?: She looks closed off and fatter. Looks sadder too. The second one looks more open, friendly, and happy. Florence: I should be more grateful of my natural beauty. Florence: It impacts the choices in the friends that we make, the jobs we apply for, how we treat our children, it impacts everything. It couldn't be more critical to your happiness. Artist: Do you think you're more beautiful than you say? Florence: Yeah. Woman?: Yeah. We spend a lot of time as women, analyzing and trying to fix the things that aren't quite right, and we should spend more time appreciating the things that we do like. Gil Zamora FBI Trained Forensic Artist Melinda Florence Olivia Shelly Kela You are more beautiful than you think. Watch the whole experience at dove.com/realbeautysketches Dove