- Dates: February 2012 - May 2012
- Type: Television Commercial
The Bark Side
This Super Bowl teaser commercial features the "Volkswagen canine choir" - 11 dogs barking the Imperial March song (Darth Vader's Theme) from the Star Wars movie series. The dogs are dressed up as characters from the series including Princess Leia, C-3P0, an Ewok, Darth Vader, Chewbacca (he even growls like Chewy), Yoda, and a Storm Trooper. Toward the end, another dog walks by dressed up as an AT-AT Walker.
Back Row (Left to Right)
* C-3PO - Color and Round Chest/Abdomen plate
* Obi-Wan Kenobi - ???
* StormTrooper - White color with black around nose and eyes
Middle Row
* R2-D2 - Short, stubby, and round
* Han Solo - The black on white coat looks like Han's vest with white shirt
* Chewbacca - Furry with Chewie's utility strap
* Darth Vader - Color with Vader chest plate
Front Row
* Princess Leia - hair buns and color
* Luke Skywalker - Lightsaber strapped to hip
* Yoda - small size and pointy sideways ears
* Ewok (Wicket W. Warrick) - fur and hood/costume
* AT-AT Walker - tall, skinny, and the costume - this idea was taken from Bones Mello, a dog who has his own Facebook page and dressed up as an AT AT Walker for Halloween.
Luke Dogwalker - Luke Skywalker
Chew-bark-a - Chewbacca
Dog Vader - Darth Vader
The Bark Side of the Force - The Dark Side of the Force
Volkswagen Jedi - Volkswagen Jetta
Jabba the Mutt - Jabba the Hutt
The Bone Wars - The Clone Wars
Bark, Woof, Ruff, Bow Wow, Arf, Yip
Back. And Better than ever.