

IBM Watson analyzes Bob Dylan's lyrics and shows that his major themes are love and time. IBM Watson can help you outthink the limits of creativity. "Bob Dylan & IBM Watson on Language"

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

Bob Dylan, to improve my language skills, I've read all your lyrics. You've read all of my lyrics? I can read 800 million pages per second. That's fast. My analysis shows your major themes are that time passes and love fades. That sounds about right. I have never known love. Maybe we should write a song together. I can sing. You can sing? Do bee bop, bee bop a-doo. Doo bee doo bee doo. Doo. Doo. Doo bee doo.

Written Text

Bob Dylan + IBM Watson on language IBM Watson thinks with us to outthink the limits of creativity. IBM outthink

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