Powerade Commercial

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Have you ever heard the story about the mouse who finds himself drowning in a bucket of cream? Now most mice would just give up, but not this mouse. This mouse was different. He had a fight in him. And eventually, all that fighting churned that cream into butter. And he simply climbed out. "POWERADE | Jimmy Graham | Churn #justakid"

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

Have you ever heard the story about a mouse who finds himself drowning in a bucket of cream? Now, most mice would just give up. But not this mouse. This mouse was different. He had a fight in him. And eventually, all that fighting churned that cream into butter. Jimmy Graham goes down hard! And he simply climbed out.

Written Text

Goldsboro Community Orphanage. North Carolina, 1998. We're All Just A Kid From Somewhere Powerade Power Through

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