AT&T and DIRECTV are now one! With our new Best of Both Worlds plan, customers can access to their favorite content on the go via their mobile devices with our TV service plus 2 wireless lines for under $99 a month for 12 months. "DIRECTV and AT&T Entertainment and Wireless Plan Commercial"
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Believe it. AT&T and DirecTV are now one. Which means you can watch in the house, in a treehouse, or even in Miss Pepperpie's house. Pause in your PJs and hit play during a PB&J. Nice! And enjoy some cartoons instead of listening to dad's car tunes. Get the best of both worlds. DirecTV at home and two wireless lines from DirecTV and AT&T (Lyrics) Meet you all the way Meet you all the way
Written Text
Best Of Both Worlds DirecTV + 2 Wireless Lines for under $99/mo for 12 months 1-800-IMAGINE Or AT&T Stores DirecTV Now part of the AT&T family