Discover Card will alert you if they find your Social Security number on any one of thousands of risky websites. It's just another way they look after you, not just your account. It's free for cardmembers. Just sign up online at Limitations Apply. "Sushi - Social Security Number Alerts Discover it Commercial :30"
Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics
Hello, Discover Card. Hi, can you tell me about these new Social Security alerts I keep hearing about? Sure! Just sign up online. Then we'll alert you if we find your Social Security number on any one of thousands risky websites. Wow, that's cool. How much is it? Oh, it's free if you have a Discover Card. I like free. Yeah. We just want you to be in the know. Oh, hey! Sushi! Oh, I smell it. You're making me huuh. Yeah, being in the know's a good thing. Know if your Social Security number is found on risky sites. Free from Discover.
Written Text
Alert Four Days Old. Discover Alert Social Security Number At Risk