
"I Exist!" Support Group This claymation / stop-motion commercial continues the "I Exist" support group for people, characters, and creatures that most people don't believe really exist. Some of the people at the meeting include Bigfoot (Sasquatch), a leprachan, a fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, a unicorn, and the Diet Dr. Pepper guy. The fairy brings in her new boyfriend - a merman (male mermaid). Because he needs to be in water, he is rolled in in a giant fish bowl. Even with all the mythical and fairy tale creature in the room, the group - including the new guy merman - have trouble believing that Diet Dr. Pepper can be so low in calories and still taste good. The Diet Dr Pepper Guy pours the merman a glass. The merman tries it and loves it, and makes a statement and smacks his trident down cracking his container of water spilling the water all over the floor.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

Fairy: Everyone, meet my boyfriend! Merman: Hey. Fairy: That's the guy I was telling you about. Diet Dr. Pepper Guy: Hi, I'm Diet Dr. Pepper Guy. Let me get you a drink. Merman: Wow, I just didn't believe you. Fairy: Oh, I know. He thinks a drink as satisfying as this has no calories. Diet Dr. Pepper Guy: It's true! And Diet Dr. Pepper has the 23 flavors that you love. Merman: It just tastes so good! Oh no. Anyone got a mop? (Lyrics) Do you believe in love?

Written Text

"I Exist!" Support Group Unbelieveably satisfying Diet Dr. Pepper Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry / Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper Diet Doctor Pepper

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

It plays these songs...

Do You Believe In Love
performed by Huey Lewis and the News

This Song is played in Dr. Pepper Commercial for Diet Dr Pepper
This song is played at the end of the commercial.

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Diet Dr Pepper

Dr Pepper Commercial for Diet Dr Pepper

Diet Dr Pepper Commercial

Diet Dr Pepper Commercial

Diet Dr Pepper Commercial

Dr. Pepper

Dr. Pepper Commercial

Dr. Pepper Commercial

Dr. Pepper Cherry Commercial

Dr. Pepper Commercial

Dr. Pepper Commercial

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