
This commercial shows a man making a very difficult decision in front of his laptop. We see the screen and he is having to sell his NFL tickets, but just doesn't want to. His pregnant wife comes in and gives him a look and he finally answers yes to the question "Sell Now?" Somewhere else in the country, a man and his son are looking at a similar screen that says, "Buy Now?" The scene is much different at their house because they are extremely happy to get getting the tickets.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

Buy and sell tickets safely and securely and You want the NFL, go to the NFL. (Lyrics) Opportunity, opportunity is knocking at your door Opportunity knocks but once, and don't come back no more Grab it in the night, grab it in the day Grab it right now, it will get away You better snatch and grab it Snatch and grab it

Written Text

NFL Sell Now? Congratulation! Sold Buy and sell tickets

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