FirstBank Commercial

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This very simple commercial starts with a man in a suit and tie sitting in a chair. He mentions that FirstBank is focused on customer service, so they aren't going to have an exciting commercial. He goes on to say that now would be a good time to go to the bathroom, and then there is a long silent pause. He tells us he is serious, and there is another long pause while he eats a chip. A slogan about customer service comes up, and that's it.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

At FirstBank, customer service is our priority. So if you're a 1stBank customer worried about missing one of the exciting commercials, or the game time, now would be a great time to go to the bathroom. Seriously.

Written Text

1stBank Better customer service. Member FDIC FirstBank, First Bank, 1stBank, 1st Bank Super Bowl XLVI commercial, Super Bowl 46 commercial, Super Bowl 2012 commercial Superbowl XLVI commercial, SuperBowl 46 commercial, SuperBowl 2012 commercial Super Bowl XLVI ad, Super Bowl 46 ad, Super Bowl 2012 ad Superbowl XLVI ad, SuperBowl 46 ad, SuperBowl 2012 ad

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FirstBank Commercial
