
A white Comcast Xfinity van is parked outside an apartment building. The Comcast service tech, wearing a red coat, gets out of the van in the pouring rain and walks to the sidewalk, where a man, soaking wet greets him. The man explains that he had to get out there to explore other options for his internet service provider, but that the things promised him by Verizon, weren't what he was looking for. The Comcast worker listens to the drenched man talk, then the two embrace.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

I had to get out there. I had to explore. Look, I get it. I was young once. FiOs promised the world, but, turns out the speeds I was looking for, Xfinity internet had all along. But you already knew that, didn't you? Experience the nation's fastest internet provider. Experience Xfinity

Written Text

Xfinity Welcome Back 1-800-xfinity Comcast

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