
This commercial for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) shows the features of this web browser. 
A Story 
It starts with an animated image of a boy climbing a growing vine from Jack and the Beanstalk. This is showing how an ebook can come to live in the browser.  
Next we see the Bing search engine homepage with a video of a tree frog climbing a branch in the background. It then shows a timelaps of a night sky with the clouds and stars quickly moving across. 
Then we see someone using the web browser to draw a picture, and color it in without any additional software. At the end, they animate the scene which includes islands floating in the air. 
High Definition 
Next we see someone watching Iron Man 2 in HD in their browser. 
To show how fast the browser is, they show a 3D. model of a sports car being rotated in real time. 
Games flow smoothly when played, as evidenced with the game "Cut the Rope" where a ball swings down on a string and a little green monster eats when it reaches the bottom.  
Sites You Love, One Click Away 
They show how you can just click an icon at the bottom of the screen to take you to your favorite web sites like Facebook.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

Which way is right, which way is wrong 
How do I say that I need to move on 
You know we're headed separate ways 
And it feels like I am just too close to love you 
There's nothing I can really say 
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more 
Got to be true to myself 
And it feels like I am just too close to love you

Written Text

a more beautiful web is... 
a story 
high definition 
sites you love one click away 
Amazingly fast - The New York Times 
Simply stunning - Conceivably Tech 
IE9 will change the web forever - Digital Trends 
Welcome to a more beautiful web 
Internet Explorer, Microsoft 
On the way, then met an old man walking along the road. He said to Jack, "Ill swap you these beans for your cow. They're magic beans, and they'll make you rich." Jack gave Daisy to the man, took the beans and ran home. 
Bing, Cut the Rope 
Twitter, Pandora, Hulu, Facebook, SkyDrive 
Internet Explorer, IE, IE 9, IE9

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