

Two women, a giraffe and an ostrich, are sitting in a bar, looking at the giraffe's cell phone at a picture of Michelle, a rhinoceros who has had her nose "done". The two women talk about the nosejob, saying that it's OK to change things up. The ostrich tells the giraffe that customizing things in life is OK, like adding Mio flavor enhancement to a plain glass of water. As the two ladies are enjoying their flavored water, a female camel walks into the bar, with enhanced "humps" on her back, making the men in the bar fall at her feet.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

Hey, look. Michelle got her nose done.
Yeah I know. She said it was for medical reasons.
Medical reasons? What a croc!
I'm sorry, not you.
Look, I've got no problem with a little customization. If you don't like something, change it. Like how's your water?
It's water.
Add some Mio...
Not just water anymore, right?
That's actually really good.
Uh-huh. Ooh, twelve o'clock. Think those are real?
Those do not exist in nature.
Not any nature I've been in.
Mio. Shake things up.

Written Text

Mio. Shake things up.

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