

This commercial shows two little girls using a tin can on a string "phone". They are having lots of fun talking to each other, and even get their little dog (a Pug) involved, but he doesn't seem to like it. They talk, play, pretend, and even play the piano over the string phone, and later run around dragging the cans behind them.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

We used to take all the time in the world. To talk about everything under the sun. To share in the joy of everyday moments. Responding to the sound of a laugh, or the start of a smile. But these days while we're more plugged in, we somehow seem to be less connected. It's not technology's fault - it's just how we've chosen to use it. It's time to make the most of our moments together. To speak our minds and share our hearts, voices, gestures, and expressions. It's time to talk human again. It's time for Skype.

Written Text

Unlimited Calling Video Calling It's time for Skype skype ItsTimeForSkype.com

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Skype Commercial

Skype Commercial
