
This Red Bull commercial begins with a shot of a city landscape as seen from a train while crossing a large metal bridge. The starts a montage of scenes starting with NBA player Blake Griffin spinning a basketball, a parkour running jumping across a huge cement divide, a skateboarder at a skate park, a couple dancing, people spinning sideways in the air, people playing street basketball, a DJ putting on his headphones, a large group of dancers, singers and musicians in a studio (Red Bull Studio), a guy walking paste a wall with huge graffiti eyes on it, a band performing on stage in front of a huge crowd, the Red Bull Stadium from above, a slam dunk contest (Red Bull King of the Rock on Alcatraz), people spinning and flipping in a series of break dancing competitions (Red Bull BC One - Red Bull Breakdancing Championship 1), as well as another dance competition (Red Bull Beat Battle).

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

I want to wake up every morning with a passion. I want to wake up with a smile on my face, and be able to just love what I do. You can dream about it, or you can go out and make it happen. (Lyrics) I'm on my way I'm on, I'm on

Written Text

Red Bull, RedBull AN Nef Nord Red Bull Studios Red Bull King of the Rock Red Bull BC One Red Bull Beat Battle Welcome to the World of Red Bull #GivesYouWings - Gives You Wings Red Bull Gives You Wings Ian Walsh, Young Jaws, Ryan Doyle, Free Running, Ryan Sheckler

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