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There is a resource so limitless that it can never be exhausted and so powerful it can accomplish any task That resource is imagination Imagination helps us redefine what's possible tomorrow (Global Research) so we can create it today Right now Each day our technology is helping produce 1/4 of the world's electricity (Energy) we purify enough water for 39 million people (Water & Process Technologies) we ship another wind turbine every three hours (ecomagination) and we fly 3.5 million airline passengers each day with jet engines from GE and its partners (Aviation) Right now we're entertaining and informing over 100 million people daily (NBC Universal) we're helping consumers reach their dreams and companies grow with $1.85 billion in credit (Capital) and before the day is done we'll have helped doctors save nearly 3,000 lives (Healthcare) These are products of the imagination the technology and the vision of GE A global infrastructure, finance and media company driven to take on the world's toughest challenges and we are doing it today this minute this second right now Innovation you don't have to wait for GE imagination at work

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

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performed by Goo Goo Dolls

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General Electric Commercial for GE Link Light Bulbs

GE Commercial for Winter Olympic Games (PyeongChang 2018)

GE Commercial

GE Commercial - Meet Molly, the Kid Who Never Stops Inventing

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