DirecTV Commercial

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A woman steps out of the shower to find the giant blue conflict screen from her cable provider right in front of the shower doors. When the woman tells her husband she's sick of it, he explains that because they have cable, they see the conflict screen because they are not able to record more than one show at a time. As the woman stands wrapped in her towel, staring at the screen, she says she feels like the conflict recording screen is watching her walk around naked. The husband, brushing his teeth says at least someone gets to see her naked.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

OK, I am sick of this thing! Well, see, we have cable and if you didn't record your shows while I'm recording my shows, we wouldn't have to deal with this. I just feel like it's watching me walk around naked. Well at least somebody gets to. Upgrade to DirecTV and record 5 shows at once. Call 1-800-DIRECTV

Written Text

Recording Conflict Don't live with cable's conflict box. Record 5 Shows at once 1 800 DIRECTV

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