"Apple - iPhone 5 - TV Ad - Discover" This commercial chooses 3 words and shows several ways to you discover or play with these words on the iPhone 5. It begins with "Rock" and shows how you can "play" a guitar on an app, a science app about actual hard rocks, a rocking chair in a shopping app, and a map of Alchatraz (known as "The Rock"). Next the word "Sharp" is chosen and we see an RPG game with people swinging swords, a sharply dressed man in a tux, a sharp, high resolution image of a bird viewed and zoomed in on the Retina display, and an app for tuning a guitar that is a bit sharp. The final word is "Discover" and we start with a space exploration app, a science app showing the skeleton of a dinosaur, a augmented reality app by Yelp showing nearby restaurants and businesses along with their reviews, and the Shazam app being used to discover new music. Rock! Sharp! Discover! Shine, Dream, Zoom, Create, Fun, Lively, Push, Do, Friend, Gorgeous, Miz, Start, Buzz, Vivid, See, Rock Tellurium: Te 52, Atomic Weight 127.60, Density 6.240G/cm3, Melting Point 449.51 C, Boiling Point 988 C, Wolfram Alpha. Tellurium is the most beautiful element name. From the Latin for earth, it has a poetry about it unmatched by any other (I have a special fondness for the name) By Design within Reach, Eames Molded Plastic Rocker - The Eames Molded Plastic Rocker (1948), often known as the RAR (Rocker height, Alcatraz Reach, Walk, Hello, Build, Score, Travel, Joyful, Happy, Meet, Boom, Feel, Plan, Know, Strive, Show, Sharp Water Hit! Tuxedo, Belvest, Solid Tuxedo Equal temperament, Cleartune Bold, Run, Anywhere, Now, Snap, Jam, Spark, Wiz, Share, Favorite, Wow, Smile, Easy, Helpful, Go, Discover Saturn Who does this skeleton belong to Yelp S Listening, Shazam, Jessie Baylin Beautiful, Active, Top, Curious, Exciting, Simple, Fast, Intelligent, Bold, Powerful, Love, All, Energy, Awesome, iPhone Content from iTunes