- Date: April 10, 2016
- Type: Television Episode
The group evacuates to the Abigail as the military bombs Los Angeles, in an attempt to contain the outbreak. Out at sea, the group comes across another boat full of survivors, but Strand refuses to pick them up. Strand informs the group they are heading to San Diego. Alicia mans the radio, only to hear distress calls, and she strikes up a conversation with another seaborne survivor named Jack. Travis notices Chris and Daniel bonding over their losses. Madison becomes concerned at how Strand refuses to sleep, and Daniel tells her he is suspicious of Strand's motives. Once they are far enough out to sea, the group holds a funeral for Liza and buries her at sea. However, Chris reacts violently and blames Travis for her death. Alicia learns from Jack that his boat is sinking, and he asks for help. Strand rejects her plan to help Jack and threatens to throw overboard anyone who disobeys him. As the group prepares for dinner, Chris leaps overboard, and Nick joins him, only to find walkers floating in the water from a capsized ship sunk by gunfire. Nick recovers the ship's logs, but Strand warns that another ship is fast approaching them, most likely a hostile ship.