Sons of Tucson

Sons of Tucson

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Sons of Tucson is a sitcom about three young brothers who set out to hire a stand-in for their real father (who is currently in prison)to prevent them from being split up and sent to different foster homes. What begins as a simple business transaction, ends up creating a unique family relationship. The three brothers decide on hiring, Ron Snuffkin, an employee at a local sporting goods store. Ron, a lovable slacker who can't catch a break, is forced to draw from an array of skills and dig into a vast bag of tricks as he steps into the role of patriarch to the boys of the Gunderson family.

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

Family Guy:
Season:  9  / Episode:  2 
Excellence in Broadcasting

This Television Episode refers to Sons of Tucson
Brian gets upset and tells the family he's going to leave and move in with Rush Limbaugh. Stewie says "Oh, this is a bad idea. But I guess sometimes Fox has bad ideas huh?”, while a graphic of the Canceled tv series ‘Sons of Tuscon’ appears at the bottom of the screen.

American Dad!:
Season:  7  / Episode:  16 
Jenny Fromdabloc

This Television Episode refers to Sons of Tucson
Roger is given a promotional stress ball at work. He looks at the writing on the stress ball, which is advertising the show 'Sons of Tucson'. Roger comments that he's never heard of the show, and wonders when it's on. Sons of Tucson is a failed sitcom on the Fox network.

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


Sons of Tucson
Season:  1 
Sons of Tucson Season 1
part of Sons of Tucson
