George Lopez

George Lopez

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The show stars George Lopez, manager of an airplane parts factory called Powers Brothers Aviation. He is married to Angie Palmero. George and Angie have two outgoing kids, Max and Carmen Lopez. George grew up without his father and had a careless mother, Benita Lopez, known as "Benny". She is an alcoholic, and George and she often trade insults about her bad parenting. Benny works at Powers Brothers Aviation as well as George's best friend, Ernie Cardenas, who has a problem trying to get a girl. George's father-in-law, Dr. Victor "Vic" Palmero, mostly thinks Angie should have married someone better than George. Benny always criticizes Angie's cooking and her parenting skills. George gained control of his spoiled rich niece Veronica Palmero's inheritance after her mother passed on.

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

Family Guy:
Season:  10  / Episode:  4 
Stewie Goes for a Drive

This Television Episode refers to George Lopez
After being taken in by Consuela, the Griffin's former housekeeper, Stewie comments to Consuela and her family, "I bet even you guys don't watch George Lopez.".

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