Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer

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The show's title is a reference to the main character Melinda Gordon, who lives in the fictional town of Grandview with her husband Jim and has the ability to see and communicate with the dead.

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

Season:  3  / Episode:  6 
Cascading Failures

This Television Episode refers to Ghost Whisperer

The Office:
Season:  6  / Episode:  20 
New Leads

This Television Episode refers to Ghost Whisperer
Once it is discovered that the trash (containing the new leads) has been emptied, and the dumpsters have also been emptied, Michael asks what day it is. Kevin replies that "Tonight is Ghost Whisperer, so Friday." and it hits Michael that he's in big trouble for throwing the expensive new leads away. A trip to the dump soon ensues.

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


Ghost Whisperer
Season:  2 
Ghost Whisperer Season 2
part of Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer
Season:  3 
Ghost Whisperer Season 3
part of Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer
Season:  4 
Ghost Whisperer Season 4
part of Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer
Season:  5 
Ghost Whisperer Season 5
part of Ghost Whisperer
