Let's Make a Deal

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The show was based around deals offered to members of the audience by the host. The contestants usually had to weigh the possibility of an offer being for a valuable prize, or an undesirable item, referred to as a "zonk".

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

Better Call Saul:
Season:  2  / Episode:  4 
Gloves Off

This Television Episode refers to Let's Make a Deal
Chuck says, "Life's not one big game of Let's Make a Deal."

Parks and Recreation:
Season:  3  / Episode:  10 

This Television Episode refers to Let's Make a Deal
Leslie says her decision to date Ben is like being on the game show 'Let's Make a Deal'. She is happy with the prize she has, but there's always the question of being able to take what's behind door #2 instead.

Family Guy:
Season:  13  / Episode:  9 
This Little Piggy

This Television Episode refers to Let's Make a Deal
After deciding to take a year off from school, Stewie buys himself a car. When Brian asks how Stewie was even able to purchase the car, Stewie reminds him that he's very good at making deals. A cutaway plays to Stewie and Brian dressed as red and yellow crayons as contestants on the game show 'Let's Make a Deal'.

It is referred to by these books...

The Long Walk
written by and

  • Date:
  • Type: Book
This Book refers to Let's Make a Deal
A quote said by Monty Hall during this show is used at the beginning of Chapter 2.

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture
