- Dates: February 2011 - May 2011
- Type: Television Commercial
This Television Commercial refers to Happy Days
There are several reference to Happy Days most of which include "the Fonz".
The NFL commercial features a ton of new and old pop culture TV references. The are saying everyone is part of the NFL family of fans. It begins with a car pulling up outside of the Brady Bunch house with a big football player in the front yard. We then see characters from Happy Days with a Green Bay Packers helmet serving bowl and the Fonze wearing a jersy, some girls from 90210 in Raiders gear, and Jerry and Kramer from Seinfeld in Giants and Bills clothes. We then see Andy and Dwight from The Office in front of a Super Bowl Party Planning Committee sign with everyone in Steelers gear, The Sopranos in Jets outfits, Jerry from Seinfeld in a Giants sweatshirt and Newman in a Cowboys costume, Norm from Cheers in a Patriots jersey, ???, the Golden Girls putting out food for a football party, and Joey and Jesse from Full House in 49ers stuff. We then see Bo and Luke Duke from the Dukes of Hazzard with a Falcon fuzzy dice on the General Lee, the Family Guy gang in jerseys including Cleveland Brown in a Browns sweatshirt, Bert and some Muppet friends, the dad and Urkel from Family matters playing with a football with food for the big game in Bears clothes, the Marsha football nose-smashing scene from The Brady Bunch, and ALF in a Panthers shirt. Barney and the gang from How I Met Your Mother, the Fonza making the TV work by pounding it, the cast of friends in Jets shirts, Family Guy watching the Big Game and Peter has a Patriots jersey with "Hi Tom" (Brady) on the back, the Glee case, part of the Modern Family cast, a large group from the system gathered to watch the game, and the Fonz again. We then get the simple words, "Best. Fans. Ever." followed by the kids from South Park worried about missing the commercials. Alright it's party time. I've got three different types of pretzels, I've got six different types of salsa... chocolate ice cream, vanilla ice cream... 48 pack of waffles, a gallon of barbecue sauce. 20 seconds to "go time" - carb up. (Ding dong) I'll get it. Hello Newman. Norm! Hi there, how are my girls? We're ready to serve the appetizers. Great we'll be down there. We got you Uncle Jesse. Yee haw! You're already here? No way! Hey come on in guys. Don't don't Steve! My nose. Did I do that? Everyone, if I may direct your attention to the television. Super Bowl XLV is electric here in Dallas. My favorite thing in America. Excuse me, pardon me. A beautiful day for anything and everything. Hurry, we can't miss the commercials. NFL Best. Fans. Ever.