Happy Days

Happy Days

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The show presents an idealized vision of life in 1950s and early 1960s America. The family consists of Howard Cunningham, a hardware store owner, his homemaker wife Marion and the couple's two children, Richie, an optimistic if somewhat naive teenager, and Joanie, Ritchie's sweet but feisty younger sister. The Cunninghams also had an older son named Chuck, a character who disappeared during the second season. The earlier episodes revolve around Richie and his friends, Potsie Weber, Ralph Malph and local dropout Arthur "The Fonz" Fonzarelli, but as the series progressed, "Fonzie" proved to be a favorite with viewers and soon more story lines were written to reflect his growing popularity. Soon Fonzie befriended Richie and the Cunningham family. The focus would also occasionally shift to other additional characters, such as Fonzie's cousin Chachi, who became a love interest for Joanie Cunningham.

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It inspired these television series...

Joanie Loves Chachi

This Television Series is inspired by Happy Days
Joanie Loves Chachi is a spin off from the series Happy Days.
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It is related to these television series...

Blansky's Beauties

This Television Series is related to Happy Days
Blansky's Beauties is a spin off from the television series, Happy Days.
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Laverne & Shirley

This Television Series is related to Happy Days
Lavenre & Shirley is a Spin off from the television series Happy Days.
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Mork & Mindy

This Television Series is related to Happy Days
Mork & Mindy is a spinoff of the television series Happy Days.
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Out of the Blue

This Television Series is related to Happy Days
The first episode of Out of the Blue was broadcast a little over one week prior to an episode of Happy Days featuring Jimmy Brogan's "Random" character.
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It is referred to by these television episodes...

Family Guy:
Season:  14  / Episode:  9 
A Shot in the Dark

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Peter finds it amusing that The Fonz can't say the word "wrong" but he's actually having a stroke.

Happy Endings:
Season:  3  / Episode:  3 
Boys II Menorah

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Penny tells Jane that she always wanted to marry a Jewish man, because they're all so cool, with their leather jackets, and with the way they bang their fists on jukeboxes to make the music play. Penny realizes that she was just describing "Fonzie" from the television series, 'Happy Days'.

The New Adventures of Old Christine:
Season:  3  / Episode:  8 
Burning Down the House

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Richard makes fun of Old Christine and her outdated lingo by calling her "Fonzie".

The King of Queens:
Season:  3  / Episode:  13 
Hi-Def Jam

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Doug wants to invite Carrie's Boss to his poker game, in the hopes that he will return the favor and invite Doug to his house to watch the Super Bowl on his Hi-Def television. Carrie tells him she doesn't want her boss in her house, because that is her turf. Doug asks when she became "Pinky Tuscadero" with this turf talk.

30 Rock:
Season:  5  / Episode:  4 
Live Show

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Liz's birthday cake (which was supposed to be for janitor Jadwiga) has Fonzi on it.

The Simpsons:
Season:  10  / Episode:  16 
Make Room for Lisa

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
At the Smithsonian, Fonzie's jacket is on exhibit next to The Bill of Rights.

The Office:
Season:  8  / Episode:  9 
Mrs. California

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Dwight is coaching Darryl in the new office gym. He says that Darryl wishes every exercise in the gym was just strutting around the gym like "The Fonze".

Bob's Burgers:
Season:  6  / Episode:  15 
Pro Tiki/Con Tiki

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
When Bob tells the kids that his rich friend Warren was the cool kid in high school, Gene asks if he (Warren) was Fonzie. Bob tells Gene that Warren made Fonzie look more like Potsie. Later, Tina remarks that Bob was the Fonze, to which Gene replies, "That makes mom Pinky Tuscadero.".

30 Rock:
Season:  2  / Episode:  4 
Rosemary's Baby

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
While having lunch with Rosemary, Liz says "Oh! That is such an upsetting story. I'll never watch 'Happy Days' the same way again.".

Modern Family:
Season:  3  / Episode:  18 
Send Out the Clowns

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Jay explains to Gloria that he belives the reason Manny's new friend, the cool kid at school, is coming to the house, is because he saw him (Jay) drop Manny off at school on his motorcycle. Jay compares himself to Fonzie, from the show Happy Days.

Arrested Development:
Season:  4  / Episode:  9 

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
When Michael discovers that Ron Howard is Rebel's father, Tobias quips, "Well, this is hardly an episode of Happy Days.".

How I Met Your Mother:
Season:  6  / Episode:  4 
Subway Wars

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Marshall's song claims that Marshall once "brought the jukebox back to life with his Fonzarelli arm", a reference to the show Happy Days.

The Simpsons:
Season:  23  / Episode:  6 
The Book Job

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Homer calls Neil Gaiman, the real writer in their group, "British Fonzie".

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  3  / Episode:  2 
The Hurricane!

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
After being hit by a fallen tree, Cleveland thinks he is Walter Kronkite. In the middle of a speech, he recites the lyrics to 'Rock Around the Clock' one of the theme songs to the series 'Happy Days'.

Family Guy:
Season:  1  / Episode:  6 
The Son Also Draws

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Happy Days is on TV, and Richie tells his parents that he *really* likes Potsie

Season:  5  / Episode:  14 
The Variable

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Hurley refers to 1954 as "Fonzi times"

Modern Family:
Season:  4  / Episode:  6 
Yard Sale

This Television Episode refers to Happy Days
Phil is scared to ride Jay's motorcycle, but thinks of the episode of Happy Days where Fonzie put together a motorcycle while he was blind. This thought helps him forget his fear.

It is referred to by these movies...

Pulp Fiction

This Movie refers to Happy Days
In the restaurant, Jules tells Ringo and Veronica that they are going to be like "three little Fonzis". And what is Fonzi? He's cool.
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It is referred to by these television commercials...

NFL Commercial

This Television Commercial refers to Happy Days
There are several reference to Happy Days most of which include "the Fonz".
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Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


Happy Days
Season:  4 
Happy Days Season 4
part of Happy Days


Happy Days
Season:  5 
Happy Days Season 5
part of Happy Days


Happy Days
Season:  6 
Happy Days Season 6
part of Happy Days

Happy Day
performed by Emilie Mover; features Crows Nest

  • Date:
  • Type: Song

Happy Days
composed by John Seely and William Loose

Happy Days
performed by Pratt & McClain

Happy Days
performed by Terry Devine-King
