The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls

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Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

The Wire:
Season:  3  / Episode:  2 
All Due Respect

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
Carver tells Herc he could have the Olsen twins if he names one dude he'd have sex with. Herc asks if he can just have one of 'The Golden Girls', the one with "the coke-bottles".

The Office:
Season:  5  / Episode:  17 
Golden Ticket

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
Michael asks the office for more good ideas, like his 'Golden Ticket' plan. Andy offers the ideas of "Golden Girls. That's a golden ticket idea, right, I mean how great was that show? Golden Grahams. Another, is it -- I don't get this... "

New Girl:
Season:  1  / Episode:  21 

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
After Sarah tells Jess that the otuburst between Schmidt and Cece is like an episode of Gossip Girl, with older characters, Jess tells her that there is a show like she is describing. She tells Sarah that the show is called 'The Golden Girls'.

30 Rock:
Season:  5  / Episode:  3 
Let's Stay Together

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
Kenneth performs a song to get an edge on being accepted to the NBC Page Program, and in his song, he names several popular NBC shows, 'The Golden Girls' being one of the shows mentioned.

How I Met Your Mother:
Season:  1  / Episode:  17 
Life Among the Gorillas

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
Marshall's coworkers ask him to choose between Jessica Alba and Jessica Simpson, the four Golden Girls (he picks Bea Arthur; his co-worker picks Betty White), and Angelina Jolie in a wheelchair and Scarlett Johansson with no arms.

Happy Endings:
Season:  1  / Episode:  4 
Mein Coming Out

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
Penny is waiting to meet her blind date when she encounters Doug, who is also waiting for a blind date, but appears to have been stood-up. Penny tells Doug that when she gets nervous, she turns in to Blanche from 'The Golden Girls'. Doug's reply is that he turns in to Sophia from 'The Golden Girls' when nervous.

New Girl:
Season:  1  / Episode:  4 

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
Now that Winston has returned from Latvia, where he spent the last 2 years, he wants to catch up on pop culture. Schmidt tells him that Betty White is big again. Winston asks, "What about the other Golden Girls?" and is disappointed to learn that all the other "Golden Girls" have died.

Family Guy:
Season:  15  / Episode:  10 
Passenger Fatty-Seven

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
When Lois, Donna and Bonnie learn that the plane their husbands are on has been hijacked, they wonder what will happen if the men all die. They imagine themselves in a sitcom called 'Quahog Girls', a spoof on the television series 'Golden Girls'.

30 Rock:
Season:  6  / Episode:  4 
The Ballad of Kenneth Parcell

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
The lyrics to the Ballad of Kenneth Parcell include the line "He knows facts about Golden Girls that no man should ever know".

Season:  3  / Episode:  3 
The Pen

This Television Episode refers to The Golden Girls
Uncle Leo's wife mentions that she is missing the Golden Girls.

It is referred to by these movies...

part of Deadpool and X-Men

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
This Movie refers to The Golden Girls
Wade wears a T-shirt with Bea Arthur during the pizza delivery scene. In the comics, Deadpool has an infatuation with The Golden Girls.

It is referred to by these television commercials...

Deadpool 2 Commercial

This Television Commercial refers to The Golden Girls
Blanche Devereaux was a character on Golden Girls and is listed as the Video Editor in the credits. One of the colors is also Betty White.
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NFL Commercial

This Television Commercial refers to The Golden Girls
The Golden Girls are shown getting appetizers ready for a football party.
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It spun-off these television series...

Empty Nest

This Television Series is a spin-off of The Golden Girls
The main characters from Empty Nest started out as the neighbors of The Golden Girls.
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The Golden Palace

This Television Series is a spin-off of The Golden Girls
After Bea Arthur (Dorothy) left the show, The Golden Girls was spun off to a new series with the other three main characters in The Golden Palace.
  • Buy The Golden Palace on Amazon
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Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


