The Real World

The Real World

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Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these books...

The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland
written by

  • Date:
  • Type: Book
This Book refers to The Real World
Deb and Greg, two stranded passengers who struck up a bit of a romance during their brief stay in Gander, were each headed home to different places in the United States. Their time together is described as being like an episode of 'The Real World' or 'Road Rules' - where many "feelings, emotions and experiences are compressed into a frenzied period." (Page 217)

It is referred to by these television episodes...

How I Met Your Mother:
Season:  3  / Episode:  7 

This Television Episode refers to The Real World
Marshall references the MTV series The Real World.

The Office:
Season:  6  / Episode:  1 

This Television Episode refers to The Real World
When Michael goes outside to confront Stanley about his affair, he jumps in front of the car and shouts, "It time to stop being polite and start being real!" which is part of the tagline of The Real World.

Happy Endings:
Season:  3  / Episode:  4 
More Like Stanksgiving

This Television Episode refers to The Real World
This episode refers to a supposedly unaired season of The Real World filmed in Sacramento where all the friends met. Characters from season 1 are also mentioned by name.

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  1  / Episode:  12 
Our Gang

This Television Episode refers to The Real World
Cleveland uses a quote from the opening credits of The Real World when he says, it's time to "stop being polite, and start getting real".

Season:  2  / Episode:  17 
Political Developments and Uncivil Disobedience

This Television Episode refers to The Real World
A video of Jeff's audition tape for The Real World Seattle is shown during the presidential debates.

The King of Queens:
Season:  2  / Episode:  1 
Queasy Rider

This Television Episode refers to The Real World
Carrie locked herself out of the house and is waiting at Cooper's for Doug to bring her a house key. When he gets there, she tell him to "Gimme the keys, I don't want to miss The Real World."

The Office:
Season:  6  / Episode:  24 
The Cover-Up

This Television Episode refers to The Real World
Michael says this is the real world, not "The Real World".

How I Met Your Mother:
Season:  7  / Episode:  20 
Trilogy Time

This Television Episode refers to The Real World
While talking about a Storm Trooper sex fantasy, Barney uses the catch phrase of The Real World when he says, "Let's stop being polite and start getting real."

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


The Real World
Season:  25 
The Real World Season 25
part of The Real World

Real World
performed by Matchbox Twenty

  • Date:
  • Type: Song

Real World
performed by The All-American Rejects

  • Date:
  • Type: Song

Rule the World
performed by Vision Vision
