Strangers with Candy

Strangers with Candy

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The series' main character, Jerri Blank, was a runaway returning to high school as a freshman at age 46 at the fictional Flatpoint High School in the town of Flatpoint. Every episode featured a theme or moral lesson, although the lessons were often amoral or warped; in an episode about eating disorders, Jerri learns that it's OK to become an anorexic because it will get people to pay attention to you. When Jerri's father passes away in the episode "The Goodbye Guy," Jerri learns the valuable lesson, "You never really 'lose' your parents. Unless of course they die. Then they're gone forever. And nothing will bring them back." In another episode, Jerri learned that "violence really isn't the only way to resolve a conflict, but it's the only way to win it." Each episode ends with the cast and other featured actors from the episode dancing.

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It is the basis of these movies...

Strangers with Candy

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  • Type: Movie
This Movie is based on Strangers with Candy
  • Buy Strangers with Candy on Amazon
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Strangers with Candy

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
