Babylon 5

Babylon 5

  • Dates: February 22, 1993 - November 25, 1998
  • Type: Television Series
  • Genre: Sci-Fi / Fantasy
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Babylon 5 is an American science fiction television series. The show centers on the Babylon 5 space station: a focal point for politics, diplomacy, and conflict during the years 2257-2262.

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television commercials...

Samsung Galaxy Gear Commercial - A Long Time Coming

This Television Commercial refers to Babylon 5

It is related to these movies...

A Call to Arms

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
This Movie is related to Babylon 5
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  • Buy A Call to Arms on iTunes
  • Buy A Call to Arms on GooglePlay

It is referred to by these television episodes...

The King of Queens:
Season:  1  / Episode:  12 
Fixer Upper

This Television Episode refers to Babylon 5
Doug explains to Carrie that Spence doesn't need to be set up with a woman because he has a schedule already. Work, dinner with his mother, watch Babylon 5, sleep.

Breaking Bad:
Season:  5  / Episode:  12 
Rabid Dog

This Television Episode refers to Babylon 5
Walt wants to know where Kuby has been looking for a missing Jesse. Kuby tells him that he put a bug on the phone at Badger's house, and the only thing he heard was Badger talking about Babylon 5 for three hours. Bryan Cranston was a character in one episode of this series (The Long Night).

The Big Bang Theory:
Season:  3  / Episode:  22 
The Staircase Implementation

This Television Episode refers to Babylon 5
Leonard is reminiscing about the early years when he and Sheldon first met. He remembers one evening where he invited his friends (Raj and Howard) over to the apartment to play video games and watch TV. When it is suggested that it's time to watch "Babylon 5", Sheldon informs everyone that "We don't watch 'Babylon 5' in this apartment.".

It spun-off these television series...


This Television Series is a spin-off of Babylon 5
  • Buy Crusade on Amazon
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It is the basis of these movie series...

Babylon 5

This Movie Series is based on Babylon 5
  • Buy Babylon 5 on Amazon
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  • Buy Babylon 5 on GooglePlay

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


Babylon 5
Season:  4 
Babylon 5 Season 4
part of Babylon 5


Babylon 5
