
The French word "Alouette" (meaning "lark", a small bird) is spelled with one "L", but this song was published with the title using two "L"s as "Allouette". Alouette, gentille Alouette (Lark, nice lark) Alouette, je te plumerai (Lark, I shall pluck you) Je te plumerai la tete (I shall pluck your head) Et la tete (And your head) Alouette (Lark) O-o-o-oh Alouette, gentille Alouette Alouette, je te plumerai Je te plumerai le bec (I shall pluck your beak) Et le bec (and your beak) Et la tete (and your head) Alouette O-o-o-oh

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

It is a cover of these songs...

performed by Traditional

This Song is covered by Allouette performed by The Delta Rhythm Boys
The song "Allouette" (incorrectly published with two "L"s) is a misspelling of the French Canadian song "Alouette".

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is played in these television commercials...

Target Commercial

This Television Commercial plays Allouette performed by The Delta Rhythm Boys
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Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

performed by Darby Stanchfield

performed by Edward Platt

performed by Traditional
